Regulatory Affairs


FY 2023 OTC User Fees Announced

This morning, the FDA published the OTC User Fee rates for FY 2023 in a Federal Register notice (here); these rates cover fees for OTC manufacturing facilities (MFD), contract manufacturing organizations (CMO), and OTC monograph order requests (OMORs) for which there are tier 1 and tier 2 requests.  A comparison of the first three fiscal years is presented […]

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FDA Biosimilar Educational Resources - Lachman Consultants

New Biosimilar Educational Resources for Patients and Caregivers Released by FDA

Yesterday, the FDA released additional educational material to aid patients and caregivers in understanding how biosimilars are approved and to explain the differences between and among original biologic products and biosimilars.  With more and more biosimilar products hitting the market, these educational tools are designed to make the public more aware of options that they […]

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FDA Issues Draft Guidance with Definitions of Terms in Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA)

Today, the FDA issued a draft guidance titled Definitions of Suspect Product and Illegitimate Product for Verification Obligations Under the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (here).  The various terms fall under the general areas identified in the DSCSA as Suspect Product and Illegitimate Product, and this guidance will help clarify how to further identify and […]

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Q1 & Q2 Differences Between RLD and Proposed Generic May Get Help from Legislation

Yesterday, “U.S. Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH), both members of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, reintroduced bipartisan legislation to streamline the approval process for generic medications, which are often significantly cheaper than their brand-name counterparts” says a release from Senator Paul’s office (here).  If passed, the bill would direct the […]

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FDA 2024 Budget Proposal Proposes Fix to the “Skinny” Label Issue

The FDA released its proposed budget and legislative proposals for FY 2024 (summary can be found here).  Besides certain requests for additional funding, reauthorization of the user fee programs for new and abbreviated animal drug programs, a host of safety issues, as well as new record retention requirements to fight data integrity problems in applications and […]

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