

New GFI- PSG Meetings between FDA and ANDA under GDUFA

We have seen several changes from FDA with the roll-out of GDUFA III.  Some have been a little frustrating (Controlled Correspondence blog coming soon!), but some have been pretty great!  On February 17, 2023 FDA issued a new GFI, “Product-Specific Guidance Meetings Between FDA and ANDA Applicants Under GDUFA” (here). This GFI seems to point […]

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Updates from Access! AAM Annual Meeting 2023 - Lachman Consultants

FDA Updates from Access! AAM Annual Meeting 2023

Hello from sunny Orlando and the AAM annual meeting!  The FDA’s Jacqueline Corrigan-Curay, Principal Deputy Director, CDER, FDA, had the honor of providing the FDA’s keynote address.  She started her talk by highlighting some of the accomplishments of GDUFA II, such as calling out the 490 first-generic approvals and 553 complex-generic approvals out of a total […]

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CARES Act – What’s New for 2023?

It’s that time of year.  Taxes?  Well, yes, but that’s not what I’m talking about.  Instead, I’m referencing the equivalent for those of us in the pharmaceutical industry—CARES Act reporting.  In the last couple of weeks, a flurry of emails arrived for many of us from the FDA, reminding us that: “Under section 510(j)(3) of the […]

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FY 2022 GDUFA Science and Research Report – Impressive Findings and Conclusions

If you’ve finished reading War and Peace, I have another thriller for you to sink your teeth into.  The FY 2022 GDUFA Science and Research Report (here) provides 134 pages of interesting discussions on the OGD’s GDUFA research projects, the outcomes and benefits derived from the research initiatives as translated into Product Specific Guidances (PSGs) for […]

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Petition Requests Removal of Generic Tasimelteon from the Market for Lack of Braille on Its Label

This is something I have not come across in over fifty years in the pharmacy and pharmaceutical business!  The issue is related to a drug product called Hetlioz (tasimelteon) capsules, marketed by Vanda.  The product is indicated for non‑24‑hour sleep‑wake disorder (non‑24) and nighttime sleep disturbances in Smith‑Magenis Syndrome (SMS) in children and adults.  The […]

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Quarterly Reporting Requirements for Priority Review Applications and Competitive Generic Therapy Posted Today

As the FDA notes, “Section 807 of the FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 (FDARA) requires the FDA to report on certain abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) subject to priority review under section 505(j)(11) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act and certain ANDAs with a competitive generic therapy (CGT) designation under section 506H of the FD&C […]

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Mid-January Peek at ANDA Approval Actions

With just about half of the month gone, and given that there have already been two holidays in January, the reported number of full-approval and tentative-approval actions looks pretty promising.  Through January 17th at 9 a.m. Eastern time, the OGD has listed twenty-eight full-approval actions and ten tentative-approval actions in the All Approvals database for a total […]

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