

New Paragraph IV Listings – Some Interesting Observations

The FDA’s paragraph IV (PIV) database is designed to give applicants and potential applicants information relative to first-to-file opportunities. FDA does this for two reasons: 1) it gives applicants assurance that their product is a first-to-file if the acknowledgement date (date acceptable for filing) on their letter from FDA officially receiving their application matches the date of submission in the PIV database. This has eliminated the many calls to the Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) to find out if their submitted application holds a potential first-to-file seat; 2) the listing also informs potential applicants that at least one ANDA has been submitted with a PIV certification and allows others to decide if they wish to enter the fray and expose themselves to litigation.

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Despite FDA and Industry’s Efforts, Drug Shortages Continue

Over the last few days, FDA has posted information on new and updated drug shortages with 6 new shortages listed over the last week. We have noted the problems that drug shortages create in previous posts and we have all followed the media accounts of the problem; however, it still seems that, while many of the causes of drug shortages have been identified, stopping them from happening in the first place appears to be more elusive than any regulation, required notification or interaction with regulatory bodies can resolve.

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Particulate Matter in Parenteral Products – Why So Much?

Last week while waiting for my flight home at an airport on the east coast, I decided to look at the recalls listed on the CDER web page. I realize that I have read about a number of recalls of parenteral products recently and those recalls were for a number of different firms, but what caught my attention was that 12 of 25 recalls listed were for visible particulate matter (including glass particles).
While I am not a manufacturing expert by any stretch of the imagination, I started to wonder why this might be.

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Two Long Time OGDers to Oversee the Quality and Consistency of Regulatory Actions, and New Acting Appointees Announced!

Having heard about an important announcement made by OGD last week, I was fortunate enough to receive a copy of an internal email issued by Cook from the CDER trade press office. I read it once, and then reread it about 5 more times. “More changes at OGD” was the bottom line message, and then a question popped into my head. Is this message good news? If it results in more consistent actions coming out of OGD quicker, the answer is yes!

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2 New MaPPs (to Somewhere) that Provide Direction on ANDA Supplements and Amendments

The 2 new MaPPs: 5200.4 Criteria and Procedures for Managing the Review of Original ANDAs, Amendments and Supplements and 5240.3 (a revision of the old 2006 MaPP entitled Review Order of Original ANDAs, Amendments and Supplements) Prioritization of the Review of Original ANDAs, Amendments and Supplements were released today by FDA. These two MaPPs describe how the Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) will prioritize review of ANDAs.

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With Two Business Days Remaining in July, OGD has Only Approved 17 ANDAs

Although Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) total activity numbers (including issuance of Complete Response Letters (CRLs), etc.) will not be posted until about 2 weeks after the close of the month, it is disappointing that the number of approvals this late in the month appears only in the teens.
While there are many things going on at OGD (training of new staff, Guidance and Policy development, the reorganization to a Super Office, among other important things) the bottom line for industry is the number of approvals that OGD issues and the number and timeliness of OGD deficiency responses it receives. But approvals rule the roost in terms of industry importance because, after all, you cannot sell products that receive CRLs.

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Phew! Pre-June 20, 2014, ANDA Applicants Can Rest Easy, Regarding Stability!

In previous post earlier this week, we were hoping to discover the Agency position on this particularly important issue. Thus, the Agency has decided to make a bright line of June 20, 2014 as the start date for the requirement for 3 batches with 6 months room temperature and 6 months of accelerated stability at time of original submission.

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OGD Announces Changes in Key Leadership Positions as Part of its Reorganization

The Office of Generic Drugs’ (OGD) elevation to a Super Office in the Center of Drug Evaluation and Research has come at a challenging time for the Generic Drug Program. The new Office structure is presented below and represents a dramatic organizational change to us old timers. But this is progress and represents the need to move the program in a different direction for today’s environment.

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