
FDA Collection of Information FR Notice Provides Some Interesting Estimates

The Federal Register’s (FR) pre-publication page today contained an interesting proposed renewal for the collection of information for Registration of Producers of Drugs and Listing of Drugs in Commercial Distribution (here).  The notice states that: Establishment registration information helps FDA identify who is manufacturing, repacking, relabeling, and salvaging drugs and where those operations are performed. […]

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Image representing statistics

2018 FY OGD Statistics Finalized

Late yesterday, the OGD finalized its 2018 statistical chart in its Activities Report of the Generic Drugs Program (FY 2018) Monthly Performance which can be found here.  There are some interesting figures and comparisons to previous years that are discussed below. Let’s look at refuse-to-receive (RTR) actions to start.  FY 2018 saw the fewest RTRs […]

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2018 ISPE Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Conference, Managing the Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: How Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS) Ensures Sustainable Compliance, Mumbai, India

In a time that we find ourselves so busy, who has time to attend a conference?  That was my initial thought, but when asked to speak at the conference, it became clear that this would be a unique opportunity to better understand the regulatory landscape while surrounded by members of India pharma and in the […]

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35 years old man is practicing running at the field. He is preparing for the championship

OGD Off to A Good Start in FY 2019

If the first half of October is any indication of the approval performance of OGD, then we are off to a good start of FY 2019.  The first eleven business days of October 2018 yielded forty-three full approvals and fourteen tentative approvals (TAs), and there are still ten business days left in October.  Two big […]

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Hand with classic stopwatch

Competitive Generic Therapies – Be Careful, the Clock is Running and Timing is Everything

What does 42 minutes mean for Competitive Generic Therapies (CGT) exclusivity – apparently everything, when FDA approved another product 42 minutes before commercial marketing began for the first approved applicant.  We don’t know for sure if it was 42 minutes (evidence of first commercial distribution) or actually 5 hours and three minutes (when the first […]

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New Transdermal Guidances Set the Stage for 23 Revisions in Bio Recommendations

Today FDA announced finalizations in two guidance documents for transdermal systems (TDS) one relative to skin adhesion studies (here)  and one related to skin irritation and sensitization studies (here).  The revisions to the previous drafts came after FDA considered a number of industry comments to those drafts. With the finalization of the guidance documents, FDA […]

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Female chemist adds drops of blue substance into test tubes, lab research

How Current is Your Stability Program?

A quick survey of recent FDA Form 483s shows that firms are struggling to meet FDA expectations for timeliness of stability testing.  During the last twelve months, the FDA has issued at least sixteen Form 483s for observations related to the timeliness of stability sample testing. Neither the current guidance ICH Q1A(R2) “Stability Testing of New […]

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