
FDA Withdraws Proposed Labeling Rule – Finally!

After just over five years, the FDA is officially withdrawing its controversial proposed labeling rule for generic drugs.  The advance publication notice in the Federal Register can be found (here).  The proposed rule would have permitted ANDA holders to unilaterally revise its labeling via a CBE-0 supplement to include new or different safety information or […]

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OGD Issues Guidance on Post-Complete Response Letter Meetings

The Office of Generic Drugs has issued a guidance titled “Post-Complete Response Letter Meetings Between FDA and ANDA Applicants Under GDUFA” (here) that addresses OGD expectations, procedures for obtaining such meetings, and timeline for scheduling and having the meetings.  As the FDA notes in the guidance: “FDA will only grant post-CRL meeting requests that pose […]

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22 New and 41 Revised BE Guidance Documents Posted!  AAM Continues to Voice Same Concerns

While we are thankful for the FDA’s work on issuing bioequivalence guidance documents, we worry about the impact of the constant and sometimes significant revisions to previously issued draft or final bioequivalence guidance recommendations on the review and approval process.  It seems that we are not alone! In remarks made at the November 27th FDA […]

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Annual Report on Postmarketing Requirements and Commitments Shows Continued Progress

Congress has long been concerned that firms were not meeting their requirements for timely completion of postmarketing requirements and commitments (PMRS/PMCs) made at time of approval or post-approval in supplemental applications.  In 2007, Congress passed the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act (FDAAA) and, on September 27, 2007, the President signed the legislation into law. […]

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FDA Collection of Information FR Notice Provides Some Interesting Estimates

The Federal Register’s (FR) pre-publication page today contained an interesting proposed renewal for the collection of information for Registration of Producers of Drugs and Listing of Drugs in Commercial Distribution (here).  The notice states that: Establishment registration information helps FDA identify who is manufacturing, repacking, relabeling, and salvaging drugs and where those operations are performed. […]

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2018 FY OGD Statistics Finalized

Late yesterday, the OGD finalized its 2018 statistical chart in its Activities Report of the Generic Drugs Program (FY 2018) Monthly Performance which can be found here.  There are some interesting figures and comparisons to previous years that are discussed below. Let’s look at refuse-to-receive (RTR) actions to start.  FY 2018 saw the fewest RTRs […]

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