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503B Outsourcing Inspection Fees for 2024 Just Released

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced the fiscal year (FY) 2024 rates for the establishment and reinspection fees related to entities (503B registered facilities)” that compound human drugs and elect to register as outsourcing facilities under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).  The FD&C Act authorizes FDA to assess and […]

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Woman worried about bills

BsUFA and MDUFA FY 2024 Fees Published! Good News for BsUFA Fees, Not So Much for MDUFA Fees

The schedules for the 2024 Biosimilar User Fees (BsUFA) (here) and Medical Device User Fees (MDUFA) (here) have been posted on the Federal Register prepublication page and are scheduled for final publication on August 28, 2024.  BsUFA Fees  The Biosimilar User Fee Amendments of 2022 (BsUFA III) authorize the FDA to assess and collect user fees for […]

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PDUFA User Fee Rates for FY 2024

The PDUFA user fees all rose, not much of a surprise!  However, we are now getting into some serious money to submit a new NDA.  These fees could (in some instances) deter smaller applicants from entertaining NDA submissions as they might price them right out of the market.  And if it is not the NDA […]

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New GDUFA Fees for FY 2024

On the Federal Register (FR) prepublication page today, the FDA outlined the new fee schedule for generic drugs under the GDUFA program for FY 2024.  Make sure you have a bottle of Maalox nearby before you read the rest of this blog as the increases, especially for the program fees, might cause you some agita.  Generic […]

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Braille or No Braille, That Was the Question! Now We Have the Answer!

Back on January 30, 2023,  I wrote a blog (here)  concerning a petition that was filed by Vanda Pharmaceuticals regarding a perceived difference in labeling between the brand and generic drug.  In this case (and please see original post to familiarize yourself with the details), the firm claimed that the generic excluded braille from its […]

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How Well Do You Know Your Reference Standards?

Reference standards are used ubiquitously within a Quality Control laboratory and are integral to many test procedures.  A laboratory should have defined controls for the use, handling, inventory management, and characterization of these standards, as well as consulting the WHO’s Annex 3 for “General guidelines for the establishment, maintenance, and distribution of chemical reference substances,” which […]

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FDA Approves First Treatment for Molluscum Contagiosum – But There is a Hitch!

The Agency announced today the first approval of a drug (Ycanth [cantharidin]) available for the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, a viral skin infection that is fairly contagious and is spread by direct skin-to-skin contact. It is approved for use for adults and pediatric patients two (2) years of age and older.  However, most infections occur […]

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Mother Nature Just Can’t Cut the Drug Industry a Break

With the latest news that a tornado severely damaged a Pfizer sterile injectable plant in North Carolina, it is clear that Mother Nature is yet another interloper into the drug shortage problem in the United States.  Ed Silverman, of the publication STAT, reports  that “Among the damaged buildings was a Pfizer plant in Rocky Mount, […]

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AAM Says PBMs May Select the Higher Branded Product to Enhance Their Benefits

Biosimilars are advancing the cause of affordable medications; however, in some instances, patient savings do not appear to be the primary concern of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs).  The Association of Accessible Medicines (AAM) points to the fact that “[j]ust two weeks ago, the U.S. biosimilars industry entered a new phase when eight biosimilar versions of […]

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