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Reconsideration: Non-Sterile Drug Manufacture – Don’t Let It Bug You!

The bulk of microbiology attention in the drug manufacturing world is laser focused on sterile drug products and the myriad steps needed to aseptically manufacture them. That is certainly with good reason as those drug products carry the highest patient risk should there be microbial contamination. One aseptic manufacturing misstep and the consequences could be […]

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Congress Questioning Delayed FDA Action on Phenylephrine - Lachman blog image

Congress Questioning Delayed FDA Action on Phenylephrine – What About Impact on Other Decongestants?

In an article published in Fierce Pharma today (here), Kevin Dunleavy pointed to a congressional letter (here), penned by Congresswoman Lisa McClain, Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services, that questions the long lag time for the FDA and its advisory committee to come to the conclusion that phenylephrine, as an oral decongestant, does […]

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That DRESS Could Be Life Threatening! 

The FDA is warning about a serious and potentially fatal adverse event that has been reported with use of the antiseizure medications levetiracetam (Keppra, Keppra XR, Elepsia XR, Spritam) and clobazam (Onfi, Sympazan).  The ADE, called Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS), is extremely rare and the “FDA’s cumulative review found 42 serious […]

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Establishing a CCS Foundation for Cleaning Validation 

Bring up the recently updated and finalized EU Annex 1 – Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Drug Products (here) in polite pharmaceutical water cooler conversation and a frequent topic that comes up is the Contamination Control Strategy (CCS) language.  Buzzwords abound for a “holistic”, “global”, or “wholesale” CCS to be incorporated into all elements of aseptic […]

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A New Wave of Warnings for Pain Relief Products with Hidden Drug Ingredients 

Just like the FDA says on its warnings and notifications page (here):  “It is clear from the results of our decade of testing that retailers and distributors, including online marketplaces, do not effectively prevent these types of potentially harmful products from being sold to consumers. FDA cannot test all products on the market that contain […]

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Happy Thanksgiving Y’all! 

This has been a tough year for pharmaceutical companies, with price concerns on the tip of everyone’s tongue, the race to the bottom on generic drug pricing and its impact on drug shortages, FDA now back almost fully in the facility inspection mode, Warning Letters flying out of the Agency at a breakneck pace, and […]

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Good News and Bad News re FTC’s Action on Patent Listings

On November 7, 2023, a press release from the FTC announced that “the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) challenged more than 100 patents held by manufacturers of brand-name asthma inhalers, epinephrine autoinjectors, and other drug products as improperly or inaccurately listed in the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) publication of “Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations,” […]

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