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CBER Orphan Drug Approvals for 2023 - Lachman Consultants

CBER Orphan Drug Approvals for 2023

According to an updated post on the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) webpage, there were twelve Biologics License Applications (BLAs) approved for products that had orphan drug (OD) status. Just to cite a few: Two were for treatment of sickle cell disease (SCD). One was for enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in adult and […]

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First-Time Generic Approvals for FY 2023 - Lachman Consultants

First-Time Generic Approvals for FY 2023

The Office of Generic Drugs approved eighty-two first-time generic products in FY 2023 for fifty-two different products. For example, the OGD approved sixteen ANDAs on the same day for Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate Capsules (the generic for Vyvanse) on August 25, 2023. Each of these is counted as a first approval because they were all approved on the same […]

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What is Your GxP Computer System Audit Trail Telling You? 

Have you reviewed your audit trail lately?  What is it telling you and your team?  We all understand the importance of audit trails, and companies review audit trails in one way or another, but does your staff truly understand what the audit trail is stating?  Processes in a GxP environment should be developed and implemented […]

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First Month FY 2024 OGD Statistics Are Finally Available - Lachman Consultants Blog

First Month FY 2024 OGD Statistics Are Finally Available!

Almost two and a half months after the beginning of FY 2024, the first month of FY 2024 (October 2023) statistics appeared, almost like a Christmas present! And from the looks of the numbers, there is likely some coal in some of the statistical “stockings.” Let’s start with the Original ANDA approval numbers. The OGD did pretty […]

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FDA Says Isotretinoin REMS Should Be Modified - Lachman Consultants Blog

FDA Says Isotretinoin REMS Should Be Modified – You Can Hear the Cheers from Users and Practitioners!

This has been a long time coming! Ever since the first approval of isotretinoin (Accutane – by Hoffmann La Roche, Inc. on May 7, 1982), and the associated safety requirements associated with that product’s labeling, the requirements for the safe use of isotretinoin products have become stricter. This type of safety information and requirements for […]

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More History of the 503B and 503A Bulk Drug Substance Lists Significant and Welcomed Changes_LachmanBlog

More History of the 503B and 503A Bulk Drug Substance Lists: Significant and Welcomed Changes?

Last week, the FDA has announced the availability of two draft Guidances for Industry regarding compounding of human drugs: Interim Policy on Compounding Using Bulk Drug Substances Under Section 503B of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (here); and Interim Policy on Compounding Using Bulk Drug Substances Under Section 503A of the Federal Food, Drug, and […]

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Revision 1 of Risk information in Promotional Materials and Ads Hits the Street 

Yesterday, the FDA issued the first revision of the Guidance titled Presenting Quantitative Efficacy and Risk Information in Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Promotional Labeling and Advertisements (here).  This Guidance covers the following four topics:  Providing quantitative efficacy or risk information for the control group, when applicable;  Presenting probability information in terms of absolute frequencies, percentages, and relative […]

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Manual Integration of Chromatographic Data - Lachman Consultants Blog

Manual Integration of Chromatographic Data

This blog post focuses on the unprocessed, processed, and re-processed chromatographic data (e.g., data generated using chromatographic instruments such as High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography (GC), Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC), etc.). To some operators, the unprocessed chromatographic data might not be recognized, nor would they raise any concerns with the validity of the […]

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Changes Coming for Cosmetics Previewed at the FDLI Enforcement, Litigation, and Compliance Conference - Lachman Blog

Changes Coming for Cosmetics Previewed at the FDLI Enforcement, Litigation, and Compliance Conference

At Lachman Consultant Services, we pride ourselves on being a preferred partner for quality, compliance, and regulatory consulting services for the life-sciences sector. However, we provide services to every sector regulated by the FDA except food and tobacco, and there are a lot of changes coming down the pike in the regulation of cosmetic products […]

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