
Newest Chapter in the Nitrosamine Saga – A Revised Guidance and FDA Acknowledges Their Differences

The FDA has updated the original nitrosamine impurity guidance after publication last year of Recommended Acceptable Intake Limits for Nitrosamine Drug Substance-Related Impurities (NDSRIs) (here), also known as the RAIL guidance, caused a few disconnects between the two guidances.  Now that we’ve all had more time to carefully read and absorb the updates in the […]

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Curiouser and Curiouser! Late-Cycle Amendments under GDUFA III Part 2 - Lachman Blog 2

Curiouser and Curiouser! Late-Cycle Amendments under GDUFA III Part 2

The last blog that we drafted on this topic, The Curious Case of the Late Cycle Amendment under GDUFA III, was posted last summer (here). As a quick refresher on what we covered, the GDUFA III Commitment Letter (here) included several new enhancements to the Generic Drug User Fee Program, one of which was the inclusion of […]

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Are You Getting the Most Out of the PSG Program Under GDUFA III? 

The FDA recently hosted a webinar focused on the facilitation of generic drug product development through Product Specific Guidances, also known as PSGs.  The CDER Small Business & Industry Assistance (SBIA) held a webinar titled Facilitating Generic Product Availability Through Product-Specific Guidances (PSGS) for 2024 on April 25th.  The slides and recordings will soon be posted […]

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Signs of Progress on the Nitrosamine Front – Notes from the Nitrosamines Session at GRx+Biosims 2023 

The session on nitrosamine impurities was held during the final breakout session on Wednesday morning during the final day of the conference. This session had the largest panel by far of those assembled on any topic presented at the conference, with 15 total panelists including the session moderator!  It was even more difficult than usual […]

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Surviving the Perils of Submitting Controlled Correspondences (Part 2)

In Part 1, we focused on drafting the Controlled Correspondence and tips for formatting and presenting the correspondence, but, after submission, the CC must be accepted by the coordinator to be placement in the queue for review. The office has been very strict, perhaps rightly so, but there have been a few headscratchers too. Some examples […]

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Surviving the Perils of Submitting Controlled Correspondences (Part 1)

Of the many benefits that have come from the Generic Drug User Fee Act (GDUFA) over the years, one has been the addition of response times for the FDA to answer Controlled Correspondences (CCs) that were first negotiated under GDUFA II. The Agency issued an FDA CC guidance, which was finalized in December 2020. Having a […]

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The Curious Case of the LateCycle Amendment under GDUFA III

Many of our blog readers have likely encountered moving goal dates for their ANDAs since October 1, 2022 and the beginning of GDUFA III.  The GDUFA III Commitment Letter, available here, included several new enhancements to the generic drug user fee program as each iteration of the program has continued to do.  The changes made to promote transparency […]

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Updates from Access! AAM Annual Meeting 2023 - Lachman Consultants

FDA Updates from Access! AAM Annual Meeting 2023

Hello from sunny Orlando and the AAM annual meeting!  The FDA’s Jacqueline Corrigan-Curay, Principal Deputy Director, CDER, FDA, had the honor of providing the FDA’s keynote address.  She started her talk by highlighting some of the accomplishments of GDUFA II, such as calling out the 490 first-generic approvals and 553 complex-generic approvals out of a total […]

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