Close-up medical syringe with a vaccine.

You Can Build a Wall, but Not Assure Vaccination Against Coronavirus Will Be Affordable for All?

Reports of Secretary Azar’s comments regarding not being able to assure affordability of vaccination for all is a sign of the times we live in now.  Now, I agree that a pharmaceutical company that can develop a vaccine to this deadly virus should be compensated fairly, but, if the United States fails to assure the […]

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Training Fundimentals

Training Fundamentals: Important to Baseball and the Analytical Laboratory

Training Fundamentals: Important to Baseball and the Analytical Laboratory By Tim Rhines, Ph.D | December 6, 2019 | Compliance, FDA, Laboratories, Science & Technology |  3 | Baseball season ended over a month ago, and I am already looking forward to when teams report for spring training.  At this time, team management is evaluating where the team succeeded and where improvement is needed.  It […]

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Novel Photo

Novel Excipients – FDA Evaluates a Novel Program

Excipients are components used and intentionally added to a drug product with no expectation that they will have a therapeutic effect.  A novel excipient is one that has never been used and “reviewed in an FDA approved drug product or does not have an established use in foods”.  Since the beginning of time, the Agency […]

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Moving Forward Image

New and Revised Product-Specific Bioequivalence Guidances Announced

In the prepublication page of the Federal Register Notice (here) published today, OGD announced 28 new bioequivalence recommendations and revised 53 previously issued recommendations.  While the new and revised guidance documents appear on the listing of Product-Specific Guidances for Generic Drug Development (here), the links to the new and revised documents were not yet active […]

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Thanksgiving Horizon Image

With Thanksgiving on the Horizon, November ANDA Approvals Status

With the FDA reporting posted through November 18th, the OGD has issued full-approval actions for just twenty-four ANDAs and has issued tentative approval actions for two ANDAs.  Thanksgiving week is a notoriously slow week for approval actions due to the holiday and staff absences, so November looks like it will be a somewhat lean month […]

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