Lachman Consultants is delighted that Charles Gibbons has been invited to speak at the CPhI Global Conference 08 Oct-10 Oct 2024 Fiera Milan, Italy!

  • Session: Deep Dive: Navigating Data Compliance Standards in Pharma
  • Speaker: Charles Gibbons, Director Data Integrity & Data governance
  • Time & Date: October 8th 15:45-16:10
  • Location: Manufacturing 5.0/Hall 5


Not sure how to implement a data integrity program?

Do you have a digital transformation strategy?


Lachman Consultants understands the future of data integrity and where the agencies and industry are headed in all life-sciences sectors including small-molecule, large-molecule/biopharma, and medical devices, and in all business areas from third-party suppliers to manufacturing and laboratory and quality assurance, to distribution, post-market, and corporate systems.

If you would like to know how Lachman Consultants can help you? We will have a team at CPhI ready to meet and discuss how we can support you on your data integrity and governance program development. Please contact us to schedule a call: