The FDA announced the Animal Drug User Fees (here) as well as the Animal Generic Drug User Fees (here). Unlike the Animal Drug User Fees for FY 2025, which are all are decreasing, the Animal Generic Drug User Fees are all increasing for FY 2025 with exception of the Generic New Animal Drug Product Fee, which will fall from $16,393 in FY 2024 to $16,139, and the Generic Investigational New Animal Drug File Fee (JINAD), which will remain the same. You may access the FY 2024 Animal Drug User Fees here and Animal Generic Drug User Fees here.

The FR Notices cited above provide complete descriptions of how the fees were calculated.

Animal Drug User Fees for FY 2025

Animal Drug User Fees and Animal Generic Drug User Fees 2025 - Lachman Blog image 1
Animal Drug User Fees for FY 2024

Animal Drug User Fees and Animal Generic Drug User Fees 2025 - Lachman Blog image 2
Animal Generic Drug User Fees for FY 2025

Animal Drug User Fees and Animal Generic Drug User Fees 2025 - Lachman Blog image 3
Animal Generic Drug User Fees for FY 2024

Animal Drug User Fees and Animal Generic Drug User Fees 2025 - Lachman Blog image 4